Welcome to the most exciting part of our website!  All of the following information has been written and/or compiled by Bro. Sibley except for the Salvation Made Simple Bible study. It is here for your personal use. Feel free to print out any study or sermon or use any part of these lessons for teaching in your local church, witnessing, teaching home Bible studies, or for personal study.

The only restriction upon the use of this content is the copying in any form for personal/church profit or sales. It is freely given and is intended to be freely distributed. For further copyright information, please see Exodus 20:15!

Topical Bible Studies:

Covering a wide range of topics, you'll find subjects like Gifts of the Spirit and Tithes and Offering covered here. 

A few times a year, Bro. Sibley preaches a series of sermons or studies on a subject too broad to cover in one message.  You'll find expository series, that go through books of the Bible verse by verse as well as character studies such as the Apostles Series which spend one lesson on each of the twelve original disciples of Christ.

Sermon Notes:

Bro. Sibley types out his sermon notes word for word -- although they are rarely preached that way!  Here is a collection of how the sermons were originally planned to be preached on a myriad of topics. 

God's Master Plan:

A fun and informative stroll through the Bible in 42 lessons -- this is the study that Bro. Sibley teaches on Tuesday nights in the Fellowship Hall.  If you've never undertaken a formal study of the Bible itself, this is a good place to start!